Unpsychology Edges is out now!
Exciting news!
Unpsychology issue 10 - EDGES - is now published and is available as a PDF for FREE download from the link button below!
Note: The PDF is available in two versions: a ‘pages’ version and a ‘spreads’ version’. You can choose the version that suits your computer or viewing device. There is also a choice between a ‘compressed’ (smaller) version of the magazine, and the full hi-resolution version.
A printed version will be published in the near future. More news on that soon…
A reminder that you can also get past copies of the magazine from the links below:
The origins and ecology of EDGES
This EDGES issue - our tenth edition - is another beautiful anthology of art, writing, video and sound – much of it has been produced collaboratively between artists working with their own different practices and combinations of ‘edges’.
In some cases an artist contributing one sort of piece is responded to by another. New collaborations and conversations are sparked as whole new pieces emerge. The whole process of the curation of this magazine – from the submissions to the conversations, and the sifting, sorting and editing work – has been deeply relational.
It’s always been that way with Unpsychology. It’s as if we have been working towards this tenth issue over the past decade, tapping into the unseen and unspoken creative potential that has been lying in wait for us. There is an ecology of creativity within this issue, but it also grows and flows from previous editions too.
The Imaginings pair of magazines (in 2023) flowed out from the warm data at the heart of our 2022 anthology. In turn, that Warm Data issue drew together strands and contexts that were coalescing and marinating through our previous annual curations.
This back and forth in time and ecology has its own moments of emergence in the individual lives of the editors and contributors. Some writers and artists have been with us for several issues – some since the start in 2014 – and the community of practice that has grown around the magazine and online publications (on Medium and Substack) now stretches well beyond its ideological and geographical origins.
What’s between the EDGES
This magazine contains 220 pages of beautiful, engaging and collaborative work. There are essays, stories, poems, photographs, illustrations. There are illustrations that are essays. There are videos that are also pieces of static digital art. There are soundfiles - songs, improvisations and pieces of music - that play with poems and personal reflections. Above all, there are lovingly designed and curated pages that speak, suggest and offer small pieces of wisdom to the world.
Some of the pieces have online links that take you - via QR codes and links – to pages on the Unpsychology Substack, videos on Vimeo, and soundfiles on Audiomack. The following articles have Substack links with additional video and sound material, and there will be further pieces posted in the next few weeks:
1. Combining Edges
Kesh Sharma, Nesli Ergün, Rachel Hentsch & Nora Bateson.
In 2023, Nora Bateson published her second book, Combining, in collaboration with a team of fellow creators and illustrators: “Combining is a blend of intellectual inquiry, essays, emotional engagement, story-telling, poetry, and graphic art; Combining is an invitation to nurture genuine connections and navigate a world brimming with warm data!”
Around the edges of the book itself, other creations emerged — videos, poetry performances, new words and new combinings. Here, we offer a taste of these. The collaborators are Kesh Sharma, Nesli Ergün, Rachel Hentsch & Nora Bateson.
Link to the Substack post here: tinyurl.com/combining-edge
2. A journey to the edge of YON through endless dreams and portals
A book and video by Mary Thorp, with music by Ruth Thorp and poetry by Steve Thorp
This piece started out as an artist book by Mary Thorp. She writes: “The pages of this book are made from a stack of messy practice prints. I couldn’t really repeat any of them deliberately, they just emerged from experimenting with the process of intaglio and relief collagraph making.”
This visual story of A Journey To Yon was turned into a beautiful short film, with music by Ruth Thorp (Astronaut Dreaming) and a poem by Steve Thorp (Wild Night).
Link to the Substack post here: https://tinyurl.com/journeytoyon
3. Edge exploration - essay and conversation
Weston Robins with Julia Macintosh
Dr Weston Robins is a psychologist living and working with this context: “To live on the edge in this regard is a political statement of sorts, a true freedom from the imprisonment of the mind. When we reflect upon how our thoughts are shaped by our culture, upbringing and society, we empower ourselves to evaluate and explore our beliefs, our perceptions and our lives and existence at large.”
In the online Substack version, Unpsychology editor, Julia Macintosh, joins Weston in discussing the themes of his article in the magazine, with a dialogue that extends and deepens the themes.
Link to the Substack post here: https://tinyurl.com/edgeexplore
4. Conversations with Jesse about play in relation to Warm Data Labs
Martin Petersen & Jesse Bailey
Martin Petersen writes: “I had an idea for an article for this issue of Unpsychology. The article should be about the edges between play and not play and how these edges pertain to Warm Data Labs.”
The resulting article and conversation with Jesse Bailey appears in the magazine, and then an extended version, with extra back and forth about the article and conversation so far, is online on Substack.
Link to the Substack post here: https://tinyurl.com/martinjesseconv
My essay was inspired by Steve.