Thankyou Steve for all the inspiration you have shared this year. It's a beautiful paradox that in writing about 'edges' what you seem to be doing (for me at least) is widening horizons!

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That's such a lovely thing to write, Susan, and it makes it worthwhile putting out these reflections every week or two! At the moment, I'm feeling very exploratory – not in a 'searching' way, more nosing around the territory to see what's already there!

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Loved reading your thoughts this morning. In my world, we are swirling energetics which form into shapes because our biology in this plane deems it so. In the moment it all seems so defined and finite and yet to watch a piece of snow change from solid, liquid to gas tells me otherwise. Cheers to being here for the mystery✨

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Thanks Becky. It's what I meant by the way we are all so different in the way we think and experience this world. The mystery is the thing, I think, until it isn't, and then there's something new to not know about! its good being human sometimes... and its lovely to read your comment!

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This was one of give articles I read this morning. https://johnstokdijk538.substack.com/p/this-morning-in-the-space

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Thanks so much John!

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